We've finally gotten the go ahead to announce a one day meeting strictly on carsharing to be held in conjunction with the Railvolution Conference in Salt Lake City. The carsharing meeting will be held on Thursday, Sept. 8 at the Grand America Hotel in downtown Salt Lake. The main Railvolution Conference continues through Sunday, Sept. 11.
I am putting together a working group to develop the session topics for the carsharing meeting. If you have ideas for a session, are willing to help out or would like to be notified when the agenda and registration information are finalized, please send me an email email me or call 503-313-1320. We will be holding a conference call before the end of the month to begin the planning.
Separate registration for the carsharing meeting (expected to be about $100) and the Railvolution conference ($350 for the full conference) will be required. Like Railvolution, we hope to be able to offer our own scholarship program to enable everyone to attend. Registration details for either event have not been finalized. The carsharing meeting is the result of discussions between Railvolution and TRB Carsharing/Station Car Subcommittee (APO20), assisted by Lora Byala of WMATA, Dr. Susan Shaheen, Matt Barth, Dan Sturges, myself and others.
Railvolution is one of the major annual public transit industry conferences in the US. It has a focus on light rail system but has sessions on a wide variety of topics, including buses, TDM, marketing etc. After or before the conference you may want to visit Utah's many attractions - Arches, Bryce and Zion National Parks, or get out on any of the excellent hiking trails in the Uinta Mountains that serve as the backdrop to the city. A link to main Railvolution Conference website can be found below.
We hope to see you in Salt Lake!