I know this post isn't quite what it appears, but bear with me...
A big corporate carsharing undertaking in Great Britain developed some first rate advertising to promote itself. I think the messages and images are worth thinking about. They're striking images and each message is told with a bit of a twist. The service, BAA Carhsaring, is operated by British Airways at its 7 airports in Great Britain.
This first illustration combines the ideas of driving and sharing.

Telling people about the program's success.

And a very cute image telling about their growth.
So now that you've looked at the images, you probably know what's not quite kosher about this - these aren't ads for a car club, they're ads for ridesharing. But I still like 'em and think they're a good reminder about the way we talk about ourselves.
Thanks to British ad agency AlterEgo for these ads. You can see other ads in the series at the agency's website by clicking on the LINK below.