Montreal (Mont Tremblat) will be the host of a major conference in sustainable transportation, Oct. 3 - 6. The conference sponsored by Mobilité Urbaine Transport Avance Forum International is called ROLLING IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION.
The conference guides the discussions around five themes:
• Regional transport Clusters;
• Modern and effective public transport, vehicles and infrastructures;
• Cities, developments and sustainable transport;
• Electric and hybrid vehicles: technical challenges and commercial successes;
• Carsharing : a choice at the heart of a sustainable transportation vision.
Details are still being finalized, but the speakers list for the carsharing sessions will bring together some major figures from the world of international carsharing. Here's the program description of Theme 5: Carsharing : a choice at the heart of a sustainable transportation vision.
"The role of the automobile in urban settings is at the core of debates dealing with environment and sustainable transport. The advantages of Carsharing in reducing emissions are undeniable. How can this mode of transport position itself as a true alternative to single occupant vehicles and complementary to public transport? Innovative ecological mobility in 2007, a review of leading global companies, supporting legislation, new technologies, market segments and new developments."
Workshop 1 - Market potential and analytical overview of the evolution in mobility.
Thursday October 4, 8:00 am to 10:00 am; Workshop Chairman: Marco Viviani, Communauto Inc.
• Carsharing as a policy tool for sustainable transportation.
Roland Ries, Senator of Bas-Rhin, former mayor of Strasbourg, promoter of the French law on the carsharing
• From a niche market to serving the general population: Carsharing at national level.
Peter Muheim, CEO Mobility Support Inc., Mobility CarSharing Switzerland
• Carsharing in North America.
Susan Shaheen, Director, Innovative Mobility/ Partners for Advanced Transit and Highways, University of California
• The combined mobility in the Quebec transportation policy : environment, reduction in auto ownerships, etc.
Benoit Robert, Chief Executive Officer, Communauto Inc. and Yves-Marie Abraham, Assistant Professor, HEC Montreal
Workshop 2 - Evaluation of the concept and fleet management.
Thursday October 4, 10 :30 am to 12:00 pm; Workshop Chairman: Yves-Dallaire Tecsult
• Evaluation of Carsharing services in the canadian cities.
Kevin McLaughlin, Director, Autoshare Toronto and Tracey Axelsson, Director, Cooperative Auto Network, Vancouver
• Carsharing as an extension of public transport.
Nicole Baribeau, Coordonnator in Market development, RÈseau de transport de la Capitale
• Carsharing as a complement to municipal fleet : costs reduction, effects on the mobility
Denise Martin, Transport coordonator, Urbanism Depatrement, City of Gatineau
• Regional Carsharing: a development opportunity for local communities?
speaker to be announced
Many, if not most of the carsharing sessions will be in English, though it is likely that speakers on other "themes" will make their remarks in French. You can see the full agenda from the MUTA conference web site. It's been a while since there's been a conference with a major emphasis on carsharing and this one should certainly provide good exposure to carsharing in Canada. If you're looking for a reason to visit Montreal, this is it. Register online.
Thanks to Marco Viviani, Director of Development and Public Relations for CommunAuto for the information.