Two sessions include presentations specifically about carsharing, both on the afternoon of Monday, January 11th.
• Carsharing and Bikesharing: Evaluating Market Share and Modal Impacts 1:30PM- 3:15PM
• Parking Policies and Approaches: Public Transit and Carsharing Hilton 3:45PM- 5:30PM
They're both happening at the Hilton Hotel near Dupont Circle. The sessions are sponsored by the AP020 Emerging and Innovative Public Transport and Technologies subcomittee, chaired by Dr. Matt Barth of the University of California at Riverside. The subcommittee meeting will be held at noon on January 13 at the hotel.
The first carsharing session at the main TRB conference includes presentations about both carsharing and bikesharing, and evaluates the market demand and impacts of these innovative modal options in Canada, the United States, and worldwide. The presentations include (click on links below for a longer description of the session):
Carsharing’s Impact on Household Vehicle Holdings: Results from North American Shared-Use Vehicle Survey (10-3437**)
Martin, Elliot - University of California, Berkeley
Shaheen, Susan A. - University of California, Berkeley
Lidicker, Jeffrey R. - University of California, Berkeley
Carsharing: Analyzing Interaction Between Neighborhood Features and Market Share (10-1304)
Grasset, Vincent - Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada
Morency, Catherine - Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada
Bikesharing in Europe, The Americas, and Asia: Past, Present, and Future (10-3567)
Shaheen, Susan A. - University of California, Berkeley
Guzman, Stacey - University of California, Berkeley
Zhang, Angela Hua - University of California, Berkeley
Defining a Primary Market Area and Estimating Demand for Large-Scale Bicycle Sharing Program in Philadelphia (10-0717)
Krykewycz, Gregory R. - Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Puchalsky, Christopher Martin - Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Rocks, Joshua - Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission
Bonnette, Brittany - Bonnette Consulting, LLC
Jaskiewicz, Frank - JzTI
The second session deals with parking, since it is one of the major factors influencing choice of transprotation mode choice.
Carsharing Parking Policy: Review of North American Practices and San Francisco Bay Area Case Study (10-2921)
Shaheen, Susan A. - University of California, Berkeley
Cohen, Adam - University of California, Berkeley
Martin, Elliot - University of California, Berkeley
Carsharing and Reduced Vehicle Ownership: Making the Connection in Residential Parking Requirements (10-0232)
Engel-Yan, Joshua - Metrolinx, Canada
Passmore, Dylan - IBI Group, Canada
Two other papers about parking are scheduled for presentation but don't specifically include carsharing:
Minimum Parking Requirements, Transit Proximity, and Development in New York City (10-1644) and Station Area Planning and Parking Management in the Urban Core: Cases in Oakland and Berkeley (10-3279).
These papers, along with all the others that passed TRB review process are included on a CD included with registration or available for purchase.