Sunday, March 27, 2011

Easy US Commute Mode Web Site

Ever wonder where the highest percentage of carpooling commuters is in the US?  (Hint, it's not in California or New Jersey.)  Now a new web site easily and quickly gives the answer.

As regular readers are aware I'm fascinated by the amount of useful transportation data available on the web.  In the past I've mention the excellent and customizable Housing + Transportation nationwide maps put out by the Center for Neighborhood Technology in Chicago.  

Now has put up a web site that slices through a thin section of US Census data, making it very easy to compare commute modes for US cities. 

(Click on the Find the Best title to open the web page in a separate window.)

Using data from the 2008 American Community Survey, commute mode search provides worker population, percentages for drive alone, public transportation, walking carpool, taxi/motorcycle/other. Sadly, bicycle commuting is lumped in with "other".  The site also allows users to easily filter the data in a variety of ways - not only by state, but also general city size (small, medium large) or, if you want, more precisely by specific worker population ranges.

Answer to the carpooling question: Woodburn, Oregon had the highest percentage of carpooling in the US!  Who would have guessed?

Currently, has data in over 800 items in a variety of categories, both data and products. The data source for each rating is provided.  Take a look.  (Thanks to WalkScore for tipping me off to this.)