Several major carshares have rolled out new logos and names recently. It's interesting to see the direction different companies have taken.
Modo, formerly Cooperative Auto Network, Vancouver, BC, Canada — The most complete design makeover, possibly in anticipation of the arrival of car2go. What does Modo mean? They say it’s a reference to modality, multi-modal, modern. Very clean - I like it.
Hertz On Demand, formerly Connect by Hertz — Perhaps the most drastic make-over, taking the word carsharing out and tagging the service "Rent Spontaneously"; finally capitalizing on the signature yellow of the Hertz brand. One can understand the strategic motivation to tie the service closer to the core brand and wouldn't be surprised if other rental companies follow suit. Will blurring the distinction between car rental and car sharing make it more difficult to cities to partner for carsharing services?
U Haul Carshare, formerly U Carshare — Now the name says exactly where its roots are. (Perhaps they got tired of hearing everyone refer to it incorrectly, so may decided to change the name to what people where calling it already. Who knows?) They've moved beyond PT Cruisers and, thankfully, also moved beyond plastering a billboard's worth of advertising on the sides of their vehicles. They've quietly expanded to 22 college campuses and one city (Salt Lake).
CommunAuto, Montreal — North America's oldest and probably the most profitable carshare has adopted a more streamlined logo. All that and having the cheapest rates on the continent! (Not sure if the 2 color design was intentionally making a pun - about being the
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Modo, formerly Cooperative Auto Network, Vancouver, BC, Canada — The most complete design makeover, possibly in anticipation of the arrival of car2go. What does Modo mean? They say it’s a reference to modality, multi-modal, modern. Very clean - I like it.
Hertz On Demand, formerly Connect by Hertz — Perhaps the most drastic make-over, taking the word carsharing out and tagging the service "Rent Spontaneously"; finally capitalizing on the signature yellow of the Hertz brand. One can understand the strategic motivation to tie the service closer to the core brand and wouldn't be surprised if other rental companies follow suit. Will blurring the distinction between car rental and car sharing make it more difficult to cities to partner for carsharing services?

CommunAuto, Montreal — North America's oldest and probably the most profitable carshare has adopted a more streamlined logo. All that and having the cheapest rates on the continent! (Not sure if the 2 color design was intentionally making a pun - about being the
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