The comparison (PDF) not only used cost of a new car, which most comparison use, but additional scenarios of 5 year and 13 year old used vehicles. The study compared driving
- 1,000 miles annually (19 miles per week)
- 3,000 miles annually (38.5 miles per week)
- 6,000 miles annually (115 miles per week)
Comparisons were made for both one-way and round trip services. Possible costs of parking a private car were not included in the cost of ownership.
The results won't surprise those familiar with carsharing economics:
- 1,000 miles per year - All car-share options are less expensive than even owning a new car
- 3,000 miles per year - Car-sharing is equal or less expensive than most car-ownership scenarios
- 6,000 miles over year - Car-share is less expensive than owning a new car but not 5 and 13 year old used cars
- Under 2,000 VMT annually, car-share appears the most economically efficient on a household level.
- Over 6,000 VMT annually, car ownership is, in almost all cases, economically more efficient than car-share.
- Car-share services are best used as regular first-last-mile connectors and for infrequent trip taking.
- Arlington residents owning more than one vehicle or considering buying their first vehicle are most likely to realize considerable savings by using car-share.
The county's TDM website, CommuterPage describes carsharing options like this,